When referring to relationships, majority of people would advise anyone that 'communication is key' which I totally agree with. It is so important to speak your mind and state your opinion…when necessary. Sometimes people need to choose their battles but for the most part, you feel better once you've voiced how you're feeling. I can only speak for myself but hopefully I'm not the only one who second guesses and hesitates before I speak my mind. Doesn't matter what I'm doing, I plan strategically, word for word what I'm about to say. Sometimes that comes in handy, however sometimes its better to just spit it out. If there is a problem between another person and myself, for some reason I listen to what they have to say and forget why I was upset in the first place; like what I was feeling was insignificant. In reality, I think about my argument all day long and I know I had good reasoning. When there is something I want to do but don't want to straight up ask for it, I try to dance around the subject until the other person guesses what I'm indirectly and implicitly talking about and then I pretend they're the one the had the idea. Why do I do that when it is so much easier to just say what I had in mind? Even if I am not in an argument, I have an idea and want to be forward about it….I hesitate. For some reason, I don't value my opinion and feel like someone else might have a better idea or perspective. This is one thing I need to try to work on because I will go mental letting all my feelings, thoughts, and ideas burn away in my brain. You never know who shares the same opinions as you do; better yet, your opinions and feelings matter just as much as everyone else's. Speak your mind and if someone doesn't like it…it's not the end of the world. No matter what you do people will judge and criticize, you can't please everyone so you might as well do and say what you want.