Halloween is a huge deal at home. Everyone loves to get dressed up and go out. I prefer to stay in, watch scary movies, and hand out candy but I definitely have had my fill of crazy halloween nights out; everything from pub crawls to hotel events in Serbia. Celebrate how you want, either or is alway a good time. Now that I"m in Aus….people don't really celebrate the honorary holiday. My boyfriend actually asked me "what day is Halloween on?" ….WHAT!?
How does someone not know that!? The whole costume, candy, and partying thing is really downplayed here. Back home…after the back to school phase…Halloween is always the next focus, we skipped that and Christmas is already in full effect! Maybe I'll host a night and force my friends to watch scary movies and binge eat some candy! The way Halloween should be celebrated!
PS- They don't have Thanksgiving here either…so the first photo is from a Thanksgiving where my friend Quinn and I went to a corn maze! Another October festivity!
Flashback to my favourite Halloween nights:
PS- They don't have Thanksgiving here either…so the first photo is from a Thanksgiving where my friend Quinn and I went to a corn maze! Another October festivity!
Flashback to my favourite Halloween nights: